Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A new me......

So the last couple weeks have been all about school and trying to find a new job..... I have decided that as I am starting a new chapter in life with work Im starting a new chapter in life with myself. Since the beginning of this year I have started watching what I am eating, counting calories and working out more. I have never really been one to discuss my body or weight because I have been so embarrassed but have decided this is the year to do something about it. I have had this quest for many years and have done better at some things than others but really just want to get healthy and be happy with myself and for my family. I think that recording my progress is going to be more motivating and actually a good journal to see progress. I want to post once a month about progress, triumphs, hardships and everything in between. Things that have helped and thing that havent. So here we go starting next Thursday March 1st my written conquest of becoming a new and better self.

Can I just say that my lil sidekicks are just blossoming before my eyes. It is so much fun to see the growth and development in their thinking and learning skills. They just know so much and it is fun to sit down and pick their brain about different things. The funnest thing lately is what they learned about Martin Luther King Jr and that he had a dream and wanted everyone to be treated the same. They learned a song and love to sing it around the house and I bought them a book through a book order for them and to see the light they have for him at just 4 years old is just so precious. I love those little girls so much!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Slowly Breaking.....

Last Friday I found out that I was going to be laid off due to my company being sold and the new company not needing me. Was very frustrated to not know the details of how much longer I had a job because everything was up in the air, and now this week am told by a co worker that Friday is my last day. No one from management has had the respect for me to tell me any of this and have relied on having a co worker who would inform me so that I actually knew. Having a family and no job is scary and hope that this is temporary and a change for the better since I have not really liked my job for months now. I found out a friend of my parents has Stage 3 Lung Cancer the same day I found out i was being laid off. I am so grateful for good health and that my family is healthy but I am just so over whelmed. I have an amazing family and mother who has positive words for me and even friends but I feel with this happening, 15 credit hours at school and just life that im slowly breaking. I hate feeling like this let alone blog about it but just needed a way to get this out. I keep so much inside and its not healthy to do that. I know things happen for a reason and all will be ok but just need a way to get out of this funk that im in.

......well I think I am done with this rant..... time will tell all