Monday, September 29, 2008

Life So far....

So I finally have time to sit down and write a little bit about what is going on with my family.....I had my gall bladder out like 2 weeks ago and now trying to adjust to foods that I can eat that wont make me sick....The girls are getting SO big....they both are now saying mama and almost pretty good at saying dada.....bath time is so much fun with them in the tub and their toys.....they like to wiggle around and play with each other....The girls and I just went on a little vacation with their dad and his parents to see his brother graduate college in Arizona...It was their first real road trip and it was quite the trip....13 hours of drving there the first day...the girls did better than I thought they would....We had fun though....Cam learned she can drink out of a straw and she LOVES it....we got to see Hoover Dam which was cool since id never seen it before....My mom surprised me and painted the girls room purple while we were away...The girls had been sleeping out by me and now finally big enough to sleep in their own room..ive started to decorate a little but have some more to go....They are 10 months old and just finishing their room....kinda funny....we have have some quite eventful last couple of weeks and I cant wait for their Birthday and the holidays to come!!!