Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ready for school to start.......

I never thought I would say this but I want school to start already...... This summer has been fun and full of family adventures now that I have dropped my sister off and she is gone its time to do work!!! I want school to start and get into my set routine again. It will be a bust routine but I love knowing what my days will be filled with. I am ordering the books I need this weekend and the only other thing to do before school starts is find me a new car. I think I have narrowed it down so hopefully not having to wait too long for that to happen. I am excited to start my Major classes. I have waited a long time for it and excited to be learning the things I want to now not just general requirement classes. Its also weird to think Ill be done with school before my sister comes not gonna lie I am liking that ill be done first. I didnt think I was going to be able to say that seeing that my sis is almost finished. My little girls are so excited for their new class to start September 1st. I love that they are excited for school and how much they love the kids and people there :)

Sisters are put in our lives for reasons. My sister is my inspiration. She amazes me everyday and im grateful for having such a strong, intelligent, loving, passionate sister. Dropping her off at the MTC yesterday the only word to describe was quick. Get out of the car gave a hug and off she went. I hate that things are so amazing between us now and she is leaving but so excited for all the things that are going to come about during these next 18 months for the 2 of us. To think my little girls will be 5, def not gonna be little anymore!!!

Talking about my little ones..... life for them is amazing! I have said so many times they are now just little people and the more time goes on the more I see that in them. The things they come up with and say and the way they are is so amazing. I had 2 weddings to go to yesterday, my old roommate and my neighbor Colton's wedding. I took Layna with me to my roommates ring ceremony up in Midway and Cam went with my parents to Colton's Wedding and I met up with my family later on in the evening. On our way down Parleys Layna kept telling me how much she missed her sister. It had only been a couple hours but one of the most amazing things about my girls is the bond they have with one another. If one is sick, sad, or tired it doesn't matter the other wants them to be better happy and playing. They fight like all siblings do especially over toys but even so they wouldn't want it any other way. They love their sissy just like I love mine!!!

A pic from Colton's Wedding last night (Layna and Ash)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ok so I really have a reason to be blogging now.....

I have really enjoyed this summer and especially since most of it has been with my family. Finally having my sister home from school and time to enjoy her before her big day (one week from today!!!)  It is nice to kinda get out of my routine of looking for things to do during the weekend outside the home and be able to be busy with whatever crazy adventure we decide to do. I am trying to do as much as I can for my family before sissy leaves because I know its gonna be a hard day. My parents are going to be wrecks!!!! Especially my dad they have such a strong bond. I am excited that I was appointed Juli's blogger while she was gone. I have started creating the blog and excited for what it will be about. All the stories and everything that is going on while my sister is serving on her mission :) We went last week and I took mission pictures for her. I was pretty proud since she is the photographer in the family. I had such a great day with her, I also took her down to Provo to a place she read in Food Network Magazine called Sammy's that is famous for their pie shakes..... it was a little dive of a place but it was fun atmosphere and the food was delicious!!!! I have missed having so many adventures with my sister and love the relationship we have now versus while we were young. I am so excited for her and know she is going to love these next 18 months...... Cant wait for this weekend, Juli's Firework party, farewell, and family time even with my own little family!!!

My goal is to blog every time I blog for my sister.... we will see how this goes with my first semester back at school full time and working :) Time to put my big girl pants on!!!