Friday, February 27, 2009

Fun days with the girls!!!

The last 2 days have been so fun with the girls!!! Yesterday my old roommate Danielle was in from Texas so another old roommate Brooke and I and the girls went to Ephraim where we went to school for lunch.....FAT JACKS!!!! yum it was so much fun to catch up because we hadnt seen Danielle for 3 years. After lunch we took a long walk up around the campus. It was such a nice day outside!!! Today we didnt have any obligations so we hung out and had fun.....I brought them up and played for hours today.....I took some cute videos of them playing around and dancing.....Dont mind little Layna without clothes....she had gotten her jammie dirty :)
Laynas funny grump face
Cams sweet smile
Danielle, her son Jordan, Brooke and Cam
and Layna and I
Danielle, Brookie and I

Layna just loved this bucket today!!!!

the girls are so funny!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 random facts!!

25 random things about me!!!

1. First and for most I LOVE BEING A MOTHER!!!

2. Im ready to be done with school but glad I finally picked what I want to do.

3. I love my family and grateful for how much they have been there for me!!!

4. My biggest pet peeve is being told someone will call me and they dont.

5. Im with Chelsie with wanting to lose weight for summer!

6. I am loving watching the Bachelor....i think Jason is gorgeous!!

7. I miss having Juli around.... it gets a little lonely not talking to her as much anymore

8. I have a new love of oatmeal....i hated it but now love it for breakfast!!

9. My mom and I are magazine junkies....we buy one at least once a week

10. I have 15 month old twins.....what the ?.....who said they could grow up so fast

11. I love having close friends being mothers too....It helps to have that kind of support

12. Im ready to find love again

13. I am excited to take my girls to California whenever that may happen!!

14. I love looking up at the stars....I can sit for hours looking up at them....preferably not in the city so you can actually see the stars

15. Im trying to become a better cook....slowly but surely

16. I love having 3 best friends!!! They are amazing and I dont know what I would do without them

17. I am a make up girl!!! I love everything about it...that would be a fun side job for me to do!!

18. I love music!!....Its part of my everyday life and it totally makes my mood for the day.....I like pretty much everything except maybe classical

19. I miss Fat Jacks pizza down in ephraim.....ok i miss ephraim too!

20. my favorite color is orange!

21.I love to sing and dance on couches lol

22. my favorite animal is the giraffe!!

23. i love to go to concerts!! they are so much fun

24. i want my hair long and wanting it to grow faster

25. I love when my girls love on and say baby...its so cute

I tag: Jourdyn and Karen to do one of these!!