Friday, January 30, 2009

who needs a MAID....

Ever since I can remember when I get out the vacuum Layna goes crazy because she loves it so much!!!! She tries to touch it while I am using it so for Christmas I got her a vacuum for her own!! She loves it....It sings and counts and you can set it to sound like a real vacuum...its about an hour ago we were playing and I had just vacuumed the downstairs so Layna decided she needed to help and vacuum herself....what a helper!!! THis could turn into a plus for me if she loves the vacuum....MY OWN LITTLE Just thought you all would get a kick from the video its so cute!!

----can you tell me if you can see the video....mine is freezing on me and i dont know if its just mine...thanks!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

NO more babies!!!

So we finally got big girl car seats for the girls and I put them in the car today....Its official I dont have babies anymore, they are little girls!! Ahhh I cant believe how fast time really goes. I really hated putting in the new carseats and am really gonna hate doing it every other weekend....Having to switch them out into Brandons car....NO FUN....but that is ok, life will go on. We had gotten a used stroller for them and I am having such a hard time figuring out the straps to buckle them in...We just got back from Target and I was kinda frustrated with it....I need to play with it while I am home and not when I am out trying to get things done...I just always forget....Got my first week done with classes and im thinking this semester will be pretty good....A lady who has come to the house to check their development since they came home came over yesterday....She hadnt been by because of the holidays, but came to evaluate the girls....SHe checked them on a 12 month and 14 month level....They are 14 months but developmentally they are around 12 due to them being born 2 months early.....She said they are doing awesome!!! She said they were perfect on the 12 month things and even passed the 14 month test with a couple things they need to work on....It makes me so happy that they are not so much behind anymore....I am always grateful for their health because they have been through a lot.....Our family minus my girls (due to them being noisy lol) are going to the Draper Temple walk thru tomorrow and I am very excited....When I was young my family got to go thru the San Diego temple which is extremely beautiful and my favorite!!! It is always a great experience to go thru and see all that the temple is....Im quite excited...I think my parents friends from California are coming in February to go thru the temple and I think it will be awesome for them because they are not members and will probably be the only time they are in an LDS Temple....I am excited to see their reactions on the whole thing!! Well I need to clean up down here!!! Hope you all are having a good beginning of the year!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Babies are Walking

The girls are walking and I cant believe it!! It kinda just crept up on us but its so cute to watch.....They still look to small to walk but they do know how to get into everything!! You get them out of one thing and they find another!!! I cant believe they turned 14 months yesterday....Time really does go by so fast.....I am really excited to see all the other new things that will happen this year......I love these girls!!!! I start school again on Monday....Im actually looking forward to it cause it gives me something to occupy time so I am not just sitting all day....Im excited cause I think I have actually got a plan down for my major. I want to major in Business Management with Banking and Finance....I wonder where that came from....guess my mom being in the banking industry for 20 plus years will help.....I am planning on going to UVU a university that isnt too far away in the fall and finish up my bachleors there... I will be so excited when I can finally be done but I still have awhile....Well I posted some videos of the girls walking...sorry they are the best...ill try to film some better ones later!!!!

love you all!!!